#003 Lost in Translation, part 1

Season #1

In this episode of English for Engineers, Olivia is talking to Ama Zbarcea, a legal expert, communication specialist, and polyglot.

Ama is not an engineer, but as a legal expert, her weapon of choice is the English language. Ama has an international background regarding her personal life, and she has worked with people from various cultures. On top of that: she knows from experience what it means to be 'lost in translation'.



  •  About differences between US English and British English.
  •  How not to ruin the 1st impression in the minefield of international business communication.
  •  Why behavior is more important than grammar (egalitarian vs. hierarchical cultures).


The English for Engineers podcast is here to help engineers and technicians from all backgrounds improve their communication skills and provide them with interesting facts from side industries so Technical and Business English becomes their new superpower.



Check out the Emails for Engineers template package to help you streamline your email writing efforts (with more than 30 English email templates and priceless bonuses that will teach you how to structure emails, how to switch between formal and informal language, and how to quickly and reliably check for mistakes before sending).


Today's episode was sponsored by Marcode, a coaching business where I help engineers master their Technical English and international business communication so that talking in English will become their new superpower.



With her company, On Your Own Terms, Ama offers understandable, affordable, & non-boring legal help for online small businesses to achieve success without legal stress. My personal favourite product is her template toolbox, where I create all legal documents for my company as well.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doitonyourownterms

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/on_your_own_terms_/

Website: https://www.onyourownterms.net



Olivia Augustin is a civil engineer and certified English teacher turned corporate trainer, her specialty is dissecting the intricate structures of the English language and only putting back the pieces engineers really need to become skilled communicators.

LinkedIn: Olivia Augustin

Instagram: @_marcode_

Podcast: English for Engineers

Website: marcode.org